Interfaces and multimethods

Arza’s approach to polymorphism is probably the most original part of the language

If you want to learn in details about multiple dispatch you can read excelent Eli Bendersky’s articles

Arza uses generic functions with multiple dispatch and intefaces that restricts and formalises relations between types and generics.


Interface is a term that most often is an attribute of object oriented system. It describes set of operations that specific class can do.

But how can concept of interfaces can be applied to multimethods? In Arza interface can be described as a set of generic functions and specific argument positions in this functions.

For example

interface Storage =
   get(storage of Storage, key)

interface Key =
   use get(storage, key of Key)

In example above we declare two interfaces that share the same generic function get.

Expression storage of Storage bind first argument of function get to interface Storage.

Interface Storage will be implemented by all types that act like first arguments in get. Interface Key will be implemented by all types that act like second arguments in get.

The same code can be written in shorter way

// all declarations are equivalent

interface Storage =
   get(Storage, key)

//here I is interface alias
interface Storage(I) =
   get(storage of I, key)

// or even shorter
interface Storage(I) =
   get(I, key)

Generic function can be declared only inside interface. They can not be declared twice

interface Storage =
   get(storage of Storage, key)

interface Key =
   // this is error, function get already declared above
   get(storage, key of Key)
   // instead define reference with `use` expression
   use get(storage, key of Key)

Interfaces do not create namespaces, our function get will be available as get, not as Storage:get

Generic function will dispatch only on arguments for whom interfaces are declared.

Interfaces in Arza perform two important functions

  • Formalisation of type behavior. Consider Arza’s pattern matching. If custom type used as first argument in first and rest generics, it can be destructured by x::xs and [x, x1, ...xs] patterns.

    Because in prelude there is interface

    interface Seq =

    Compiler just perform this check arza:is_implemented(customtype, Seq) == True

    Also consider complex program with a lot of multimethods. In some point you may want to ensure that specific generics implemented for specifice types

  • Limit number of arguments to perform multiple dispatch. Multiple dispatch is a costly procedure, especially for dynamic languages. Even with cache strategies substantial amount of methods can degrade performance. By limiting number of dispatch arguments compiler can more easily fall back to single dispatch.

    function put has one of the biggest call rate in Arza and because this function defined only with one interface it’s call time is more optimised

    interface Put(I) =
        put(I, key, value)

One interface can have multiple roles in one generic function

interface Eq(I) =
   ==(I, I)
   !=(I, I)

Only types that have both first and second roles in == and != generics will implement Eq interface

Interfaces can be concatenated

interface Put(I) =
    put(I, key, value)

interface At(I) =
    at(I, key)
    has(I, key)

// you can combine interfaces
interface Coll is (Put, At)

In some specific case there is a need to dispatch not on type of the argument but on argument value. Example is the cast function.

interface Cast(I) =
    cast(I, valueof to_what)

interface Castable(I) =
    use cast(what, I)

To specify that we need to dispatch on value keyword valueof is used.

Afterwards we can use it like

import affirm

type Robot(battery_power)

def cast(r of Robot, type Int) = r.battery_power

def cast(r of Robot, interface Seq) = [r as Int]

def cast(r of Robot, interface Str) = "Robot"

def at(s of Robot, el) when el == #battery_power  =
    // casting back to Record type to avoid infinite loop
    (s as Record).battery_power + 1

fun test() =
        r = Robot(42)
        affirm:is_equal(r.battery_power, 43)
        affirm:is_equal(r as Int, 43)
        affirm:is_equal(r as Seq, [43])
        affirm:is_equal(r as Str, "Robot")

If concrete type defines custom method for at generic then to access it’s internal structure you must cast it to parent Record type. Like in example above

def at(s of Robot, el) when el == #battery_power  =
    // casting back to Record type to avoid infinite loop
    (s as Record).battery_power + 1

Most of the times our programs can be easily implemented with single dispatch. In some cases especially for mathematical operations double dispatch is very usefull. But sometimes there is a need for even bigger arity of dispatch function.

I never actually encounter them in my own work, but here I found this example of Triple Dispatch on the internet

Defining methods

To define new method for generic function use def expression

interface Num =
    //interface must be in both roles
    add(Num, Num)
    // only first argument
    sub(Num, other)

type Vec2(x, y)

def add(v1 of Vec2, v2 of Vec2) = Vec2(v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y)

//However this would be an error
// because we define second argument to have specific type
def sub(v1 of Vec2, v2 of Vec2) = Vec2(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y)

// This is correct
def sub(v1 of Vec2, v2) =
    match v2
    | Vec2(x, y) = Vec2(v1.x - x, v1.y - y)

Method definition can be simple function and two level functions but not case function.

Also method definition can have guards

interface Racer(R) =
    race_winner(v1 of R, v2 of R)

type Car (speed)
type Plane (speed)

fun faster(v1, v2) = v1.speed > v2.speed

def race_winner(c1 of Car, c2 of Car)
    | (c1, c2) when faster(c1, c2)  = c1
    | (c1, c2) when arza:at(c1, #speed) < c2.speed = c2
    | (c1, c2) when c1.speed == c2.speed = c1

// plane always wins
// Double dispatch
def race_winner(c of Car, p of Plane) = p

def race_winner(p of Plane, c of Car) = p

There is a possibility to declare method not as function but as expression

def somegeneric(t of Sometype) as someexpression()

// often it's used with functions defined in native modules

// native module
import arza:_string

// assign native functions as methods
def slice(s of String, _from, _to) as _string:slice
def drop(s of String, x) as _string:drop
def take(s of String, x) as _string:take

Sometimes there is a need to override existing method

To do so use override expression

interface F =

def f1(i of Int)
    | 1 = #one
    | i = i

// overriding
// expression (_) after override means that we do not need previous method
override(_) f1(i of Int) = 21

// here we bind previous method to name super and call it in our new method
override(super) f1(i of Int) = super(i) + 21

// this can be done indefinitely
override(super) f1(i of Int) = super(i) + 42

type Val(val)

// specifying builtin operator +
def + (v1 of Val, v2 of Val) = v1.val + v2.val

override (super) + (v1 of Val, v2 of Val) = super(v1, v2) * 2

fun test() =
    affirm:is_equal(signatures(f1), [[Int]])
    affirm:is_equal_all(f1(1), f1(0), f1(10000), f1(-1223), 84)

        v1 = Val(1)
        v2 = Val(2)
        affirm:is_equal((v1 + v2), 6)

Ensuring interface implementation

After implementing all interface roles type will put reference to interface in it’s list of implemented interfaces.

But if there is a need to ensuring that this type(types) implements one or more interfaces you can assert this with describe expression.

describe Symbol as  Concat

describe String as (Eq, Repr,
     Len, Coll,
     Prepend, Append, Concat, Cons,
     ToSeq, Slice, Empty)

describe (Triple, Pair) as Serializable

describe (Dictionary, Array, Pair, Triple, Single, SecondAndThird) as (Storage, GetSet)

If some of the types does not implement even one of the interfaces then exception will be thrown.


Trait in Arza is a function that can work on types. This function consist of one or more def instance override expressions. instance expression is a trait application to specific number of types.

Traits are tools for code reuse and expressiveness. If subtype-supertype relationship between types is unwanted traits can help to share behavior between them.

// creating trait
// trait excepts two types and defines for them two methods
trait TEq(T1, T2) =
    def equal (first of T1, second of T2) = first == second
    def notequal (first of T1, second of T2) = first != second

// applying previously defined trait to couple of types
instance TEq(Int, Int)
instance TEq(Float, Float)
instance TEq(Int, Float)
instance TEq(Float, Int)

Arza has special syntax for applying trait immidiatelly after it’s declaration

trait TValue(T) for MyType =
    def val(v of T) = v.value

// to apply this to trait to more than one type

trait TValue(T) for [MyType1, MyType1, MyType3] =
    def val(v of T) = v.value

// in case of more arguments
trait TEq(T1, T2) for (Int, Float) =
    def equal (first of T1, second of T2) = first == second
    def notequal (first of T1, second of T2) = first != second

 // or to cover all relations
trait TEq(T1, T2)
        for [(Int, Float), (Int, Int), (Float, Float), (Float, Int)] =
    def equal (first of T1, second of T2) = first == second
    def notequal (first of T1, second of T2) = first != second

Anonymous traits

If we do not care about reusing trait after declaration we can ommit trait name

trait (T1, T2)
        for [(Int, Float), (Int, Int), (Float, Float), (Float, Int)] =
    def equal (first of T1, second of T2) = first == second
    def notequal (first of T1, second of T2) = first != second

// applying anonymous trait to multiple types in serial order
trait (T) for [Float, Int] =
    // applying trait inside trait
    instance TEq(T, T)
    def - (x of T, y) as _number:sub
    def + (x of T, y) as _number:add