
Arza metaprogramming facilities are limited.

I have not decided yet if I want macroses in language or not.

Instead I borrowed concept of decorators from Python to generate functions and types at compile time.


Decorators are syntactic sugar borrowed from Python for function composition.

Decorators can be applied to functions, types, and methods

In case of decorating functions decorator is a function which recieves other function and optional list of arguments and must return different function.


fun add1(fn, v) =
    fun (x, ...args) =
        // ...args will flush contents of a sequence into arguments
        fn(x+v, ...args)

fun add2(fn, v1, v2) =
    fun (x, y) =
        fn(x+v1, y+v2)

// applying decorators
@add2(0.1, 0.2)
fun f(x, y) = x + y

// now f is functions decorated by to functions add1 and add2

// decorators can be applied to specific methods
interface I =
    add(I, I)

@add2(0.1, 0.2)
def add(x of Int, y of Int) = x + y

override (super) sub(x of Int, y of Int) =  super(x, y) + super(x, y)

// decorators can be used in traits also
trait Add(T) for Float =
    def add(x of T, y of T) = x + y

    @add2(0.001, 0.0001)
    override (super) add(x of T, y of T) = super(x, y) * -1

// lets test our new functions
affirm:is_equal_all(f(1,2), add(1,2), 13.3)
affirm:is_equal(add(1.0, 2.0), -3.1111)

When decorating types decorator will receive tuple of three elements as first argument.

This tuple will consist of supertype, fields as list of symbols and initialisation function.

// this decorator will add specific field to type fields if this field is not already there
fun add_field ((supertype, fields, _init) as typedata, field) =
    if not has(fields, field) then
        (supertype, append(fields, field), _init)

// this decorator will add field #y
let add_y = add_field(_, #y)

// this decorator will init specific field with value after initialisation
fun init_field((supertype, fields, _init), field, value) =
        fun _wrap(...args) =
                data = _init(...args)
                data.{(field) = value}
        (supertype, fields, _wrap)

// this is almost the same like above but initialize field with special function
fun init_field_with((supertype, fields, _init), field, value, fn) =
        fun _wrap(...args) =
                data = _init(...args)
                data.{(field) = fn(@, value)}
        (supertype, fields, _wrap)

// Lets apply them to some types
type XYZ(x)

type ABC()

@init_field(#b, #b)
@init_field_with(0, #c, (x, y) -> x ++ y)
type AB(a)
    init (ab, a) = ab.{a=a}

type Sum(v)
    init (sum, x, y) =
        sum.{v = x + y}

type Sum2

// now we can test with

    xyz = XYZ(1, 2, 3)
    abc = ABC(1, 2, 3)
    ab = AB(#a)
    sum1 = Sum(1,2)
    sum2 = Sum(1, 2)
    affirm:is_equal_to_map(xyz, {x=1, y=2, z=3})
    affirm:is_equal_to_map(abc, {a=1, b=2, c=3})
    affirm:is_equal_to_map(ab, {a=#ac, b=#b})
    affirm:is_equal_all(sum1.v, sum2.v, 3)