Indentantions and layouts

Arza is indentation “aware” language

If you are familiar with a language like Python that also is whitespace sensitive, be aware that that the rules for indentation in Arza are subtly different.

Arza syntax very similar to F# light syntax where indentation used as statement and expression delimiter but instead of using simple dedents and indents like in Python, Arza uses code layouts to determine block borders

// layout is similar to pythons four space indent
fun f(x) =

// layout begins straight after = token
fun f(x) = 1

// this would be a syntax error
fun f(x) = 1

if x == 1 then
else 3

fun add
| (1, 2) = 3
| (x, y) = x + y

match x
| True = False
| False =

There are special rules for operators to continue expressions from line above, which differs from F# syntax and more similar to Ruby syntax

fun f() =
    1 +
    2 +
    // returns 6

However this technique creates problem with ambidextra operators (operators having have both prefix and infix binding powers) Examples of such operators are - and (

To resolve parse conflicts Arza uses new lines as terminators

fun f() =
    //lambda expression
    ((x, y) -> x + y)
    // parser treats `(` as prefix expression because of new line
    (1, 41)

    f() == (1, 41)

fun f2() =
    // parser treats `(` as infix expression and interprets
    // this expression as call to lambda with arguments (1, 41)
    ((x, y) -> x + y)(1, 41)

f2() == 42

If you do not like to use indentation aware syntax at all, you can enclose any block in ( and )

You can enclose in ( and ) almost any syntax construct and use free code layout without worrying about whitespaces.

(fun f() =
2 + 3)

(interface Map
        (key, value, Map)

If you need to use nested statements inside such free layout you must enclose each of them in ()

// Nine billion names of God the Integer
fun nbn () =
            fun(n) =
                        (fun (g) =
                            //let in block enclosed in ()
                                (fun _loop (n, g) =
                                    // if block enclosed in ()
                                    (if g == 1 or n < g then 1
                                            // fun block enclosed in ()
                                            (fun (q, res) =
                                                // if block enclosed in ()
                                                (if q > n - g  then
                                                    res + _loop(n-g, q)
                                            list:range(2, g)
                            in _loop(n, g)
                        list:range(1, n)
                " "
        list:range(1, 25)

However because it is common pattern to use if or match expression inside function call there are special support for such syntax

add(match x
     | #one = 1
     | #two = 2
   //here comma terminates free layout and there are no need to enclose match in ()
   , 2)

add(match x
     | #one = 1
     | val of Float =
        // but nested expressions must be enclosed
        (if val < 0.0 then abs(val)
        else val)
   //here comma terminates free layout and there are no need to enclose match in ()
   , 2)